Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netOn Wed, 15 Mar 2006 22:42:28 -0800, glen herrmannsfeldt
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netPost by glen herrmannsfeldtThe FD55F is an 80 track DSDD 300RPM drive, that is, 720K.
The FD55G is an 80 track HD 360RPM drive, with electrical
characteristics similar to an 8 inch drive.
Wrong! The 55G is a dual speed, twosided, 80track 96 tpi drive.
Some years ago, before the IBM PC/AT came out, I bought a TEAC FD55F
drive. The data sheet included a description for the FD55G, with no
indication of dual speed, and no indication of any other letters
being added. The FD55F is a 96TPI (80 track/side) 300RPM drive.
(I had it running an a TRS80/Color computer after rewriting the
OS/9 device driver for dual side 80 track drives.)
My first IBM compatible PC is (I still have it) an AT clone, which
came with a TEAC FD55GFR. I don't believe I ever saw an FD55G that
was not a GFR, but I believe that is what the data sheet described.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netAs to being "electrical characteristics similar to an 8 inch drive"
all floppies in some abstract sense are. Starting with the 50 pin
connector and different signals. The 8' drives vary considerably
from the early SA800 to the late CDC and NEC drives.
Many years after the above I had an LSI-11 which I wired up a cable
between the 50 pin connector and a 34 pin FD55GFR. I then tried to
format a disk, which worked fine until track 43. Realizing what
the problem was, I then modified the cable to, I believe, ground pin 2.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netPost by glen herrmannsfeldtThe FD55FGR (the R might be color) can do either, depending
in the signal on pin 2. I believe it is ground for G and high
(floating) for F, but it might be the other way.
This is used by PC/AT type controllers to write DS/DD disks.
The last two (FR) letter reference options like color, door lock on
select, color of the drive selected led (there may be more).
The FD55F drives have a head load solenoid, a common feature of 8 inch
drives, but rare in 5.25 inch drives. 8 inch drives tend to keep the
motor on all the time (originally a 120VAC motor), and use a solenoid to
keep the head away from the disk when not reading. Head load should be
faster than starting the motor.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netThe signals on pin 2 are jumper select option. They can be,
HS only, LS only, or Pin 2 selects.
And possibly different for ones produced at different times.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netPost by glen herrmannsfeldtThe pin is labeled reduce write current, but it is not related to
the similar function on 8 inch drives.
In the 8" (IF the drive uses it) Write current select is applied when
writing to track greater than 43 (of 77) for compensation of bit
crowding on inner tracks.
Yes, see above.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netIn the 55GFR the write current is used with normal or high corecivity
media. depending on FDC used it may be jumper coupled to pin 2
or operated as a seperate signal.
FD55Gfr when operated as 300rpm (LS) and LWC(low write current)
used with normal corecivity (brown) media is functionally
compatable/interchangable with FD55F (720k). With
HS or LS and high write current it is the 1.2MB mode.
Except that it runs at 360RPM so the data rate must be 300kb/s,
instead of the 250kb/s for the FD55F and 500kb/s for 8 inch
and HD 5.25 drives.
Post by A***@nouce.bellatlantic.netRX50 is two heads one spindle and on a per head basis is the same
as a FD55E (96tpi, 80tr, 1 sided, 300rpm, normal media, 400k
Getting the jumpers right depends on having a RQDX3 with late rev
firmware or the best you can hope for is a single sided RX50
replacement (FD55E functionality). All RQDX worked with RX50,
and only late firmware RQDX3 knew about RX33.
-- glen