PDP-11 programs for Tektronix 4010/4014 terminal
(too old to reply)
2019-03-31 17:57:25 UTC
I am currently writing a terminal emulator for the Tektronix 4010/4014 storage tube terminals. I know that xterm -t does this job quite well, but it makes no attempt to give the look and feel of the original hardware, and does not support GIN and write-through modes.

Details are at https://github.com/rricharz/Tek4010

For this project I am looking for PDP-11 graphics programs, which produce Tektronix graphics output, or captured code files from such programs. Any help is will be very appreciated very much.

My preferred OS for this work is 2.11 BSD, but programs for other historical OS systems would also be very interesting.
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-03-31 18:45:15 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I am currently writing a terminal emulator for the Tektronix 4010/4014
storage tube terminals.
It looks good! Does this run on an rPi only?

I which I had known about this when I demoed Macsyma a week ago.
It can draw plots using Tektronix graphics.
2019-03-31 19:12:20 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
It looks good! Does this run on an rPi only?
Yes, but it could be compiled for other Linux systems. My plan is to build a replica with an rPi.
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
It can draw plots using Tektronix graphics.
If you are able to produce interestingTektronix plots with Macsyma, I would be very interested in some captured output files. Any chance that you could make a few and send them to me (packed with something like zip so that the mail program does not alter them, or accessible somewhere on the internet)?
Christian Corti
2019-04-01 07:14:33 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
If you are able to produce interestingTektronix plots with Macsyma, I would be very interested in some captured output files. Any chance that you could make a few and send them to me (packed with something like zip so that the mail program does not alter them, or accessible somewhere on the internet)?
Why not use gnuplot? "set term tek40xx" and there you go.


PS: Your news client is broken.
David Wade
2019-04-01 08:53:18 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
It looks good! Does this run on an rPi only?
Yes, but it could be compiled for other Linux systems. My plan is to build a replica with an rPi.
That sounds fun.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
It can draw plots using Tektronix graphics.
If you are able to produce interestingTektronix plots with Macsyma, I would be very interested in some captured output files. Any chance that you could make a few and send them to me (packed with something like zip so that the mail program does not alter them, or accessible somewhere on the internet)?
I have been doing a few tests using Terra Term on my PC and PGPLOT on my
VAX. The aim is to be able to plot on my HP and Roland plotters.

Sounds like this would kind of complete the set up

Al Kossow
2019-04-01 19:26:43 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I am currently writing a terminal emulator for the Tektronix 4010/4014 storage tube terminals.

and related threads.
2019-04-02 15:54:32 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Thanks, Al,

You have done extremely nice work with the 4051 computer!

In the mean time I got the large list of original .plt files from Jos Dreesen's ftp site. Many of them are already running on my emulator. For the other ones I need to implement some special 4014 options.

My plan is to have an emulator which gives you the look and feel of the original storage tube hardware, to be used together with the PiDP-11:


I plan to fine tune the appearance of the bright spot, the speed of fading etc. once it is stable. I made a new video showing some of the historical data:

Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-02 16:19:58 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I plan to fine tune the appearance of the bright spot, the speed of
fading etc. once it is stable.
I believe there are a few videos on e.g. YouTube, but maybe you saw
those already. For example, this shows a very prominent bright spot,
and the flash to erase the screen:

Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Very nice.

I have some historical files from MIT's Project MAC era. They are for
ARDS terminals (Advanced Remote Display Station), which looks like a
forerunner to Tektronix. They won't display as is on a Tek, but may be
good with a slight massage. Let me know if you want them.
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-02 16:28:32 UTC
Or this one, logging in on a real PDP-11.

legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 17:32:43 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
I have some historical files from MIT's Project MAC era. They are for
ARDS terminals (Advanced Remote Display Station), which looks like a
forerunner to Tektronix. They won't display as is on a Tek, but may be
good with a slight massage. Let me know if you want them.
Definitely make these available, I'm always interested in period
graphics software and/or display files.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-08 17:41:34 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
I have some historical files from MIT's Project MAC era. They are for
ARDS terminals (Advanced Remote Display Station), which looks like a
forerunner to Tektronix.
Definitely make these available, I'm always interested in period
graphics software and/or display files.
They are here:
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 20:08:57 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
I have some historical files from MIT's Project MAC era. They are for
ARDS terminals (Advanced Remote Display Station), which looks like a
forerunner to Tektronix.
Definitely make these available, I'm always interested in period
graphics software and/or display files.
Do you have a pointer to the file format?
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-09 05:32:33 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Do you have a pointer to the file format?
Thanks again to the "Amazing Al" we have this:

But maybe this is more accessible:

I believe these terminals were mainly used with MIT's CTSS operating
system. One was briefely used with the AI lab PDP-6, for Logo. The
Dynamic Modeling group Imlac computers/terminals had software to render
ARDS graphics. There is a program to convert to SUPDUP graphics.
(SUPDUP is the preferred network remote terminal protocol for ITS.) And
another one written in modern times in Maclisp to convert ARDS graphics
to SVG.

However, only the Imlac program is capable of correctly rendering all
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-09 20:58:48 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Do you have a pointer to the file format?
This looks really close to the Tektronix 4002.

The enclosure and keyboard are different; I would assume that all the
internal driving circuitry is different as well.

Are any of these still around?
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
However, only the Imlac program is capable of correctly rendering all
The file format doesn't seem terribly complicated; I wonder what the
other programs aren't handling.

Thanks for the links!
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-10 05:29:36 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
This looks really close to the Tektronix 4002.
It really does! I once mistook a Tektronix 4002A for an ARDS. There
seems to be an obvious connection both in appearance and control codes.
"Someone ought to" (code word for "it'll never happen") dig into the
history of Project MAC, CDI, and Tektronix and get this sorted out. It
seems Multics had some support too; not surprising given the connection
to CTSS.

Here are some notes I made:
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Are any of these still around?
I have never seen any trace. My guess is they were probably considered
obsolete already by the early 70s, and thrown out in droves.
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
The file format doesn't seem terribly complicated; I wonder what the
other programs aren't handling.
"Someone ought to" add an ARDS mode to Rene's emulator, and then it
would be obvious what goes wrong.
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-18 20:22:00 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
This looks really close to the Tektronix 4002.
It really does! I once mistook a Tektronix 4002A for an ARDS. There
seems to be an obvious connection both in appearance and control codes.
"Someone ought to" (code word for "it'll never happen") dig into the
history of Project MAC, CDI, and Tektronix and get this sorted out. It
seems Multics had some support too; not surprising given the connection
to CTSS.
The 4002 first appeared in the 1969 Tektronix catalog. I couldn't find
a date on the ARDS terminal, but it's entirely possible that Tektronix
commercialized one of the several adaptions of its storage tube as
a terminal.

Where did you find documentation of the 4002 control codes? I'm
guessing they are the same as the 401x because a video[*] of the 4002
shows it playing back the standard "DISSPLA" demo file.

[*] <https://vimeo.com/79331919>
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
Lars Brinkhoff
2019-04-19 04:05:55 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Where did you find documentation of the 4002 control codes?
I didn't. Sorry if I gave the impression I have. All I have seen of
the 4002 is photos and videos.
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 17:28:26 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]

I'm very happy that you're doing this because it saves me from paying
a summer intern to write it :-).
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I plan to fine tune the appearance of the bright spot, the speed of
fading etc. once it is stable.
Are you simulating the deflection speed? The deflection circuits in
the 401x can only move the beam so fast. When you ask it to draw
unconnected vectors that are distant from each other on the screen,
this takes more time than if you ask it to draw vectors that are close
to each other on the screen, because the deflection distance is

Most of the period stuff that was using Tek 401x terminals was
in-house CAD programs; this was the age prior to shrink wrap software.
The most commonly used graphics package AFAIK was DISSPLA; there are
some Tek demo files on the various archives that give demos of the
library's capabilities.

Most people used either PLOT10 (from Tektronix) or DISSPLA from ISSCO
as the libraries to handle the details of the terminal commands while
leaving them a higher level API like "plot these vectors". I'm not
aware of source code online for PLOT10 or binaries for DISSPLA, but if
you locate them that would be a good find.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
Al Kossow
2019-04-08 18:26:01 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
I'm not
aware of source code online for PLOT10
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 20:09:26 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by Al Kossow
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
I'm not
aware of source code online for PLOT10

Al, you are truly awesome!
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
2019-04-08 18:39:57 UTC
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Are you simulating the deflection speed? The deflection circuits in
the 401x can only move the beam so fast. When you ask it to draw
unconnected vectors that are distant from each other on the screen,
this takes more time than if you ask it to draw vectors that are close
to each other on the screen, because the deflection distance is
I'm aware of the defection speed. But the answer is unfortunately no. The current version does not simulate the deflection speed. Maybe I will add it in a future version.

I made 2 videos:

1. The demo of plot files with the latest appearance of tek4010:

2. Demonstration of an animation using the write-through mode of tek4010:

2019-04-08 19:22:25 UTC
The spec I have for the drawing speed in the Tek 4014 manual is 10000 cm per second. This amounts, if I'm calculating properly, to approximately 4 msec across screen. The screen refresh interval of tek4010 is around 30 msec typically, but can be longer in a heavy usage situation. This tells me that the deflection speed will not be visible, unless you of course draw a large number of vectors across the whole screen.

That's why I decided not to care about it.

Is this right? Or is my data or my calculation wrong?
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 20:42:11 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
The spec I have for the drawing speed in the Tek 4014 manual is 10000 cm
per second.
What's your reference for this?

PDF page 30 gives 2.6ms as the "vector writing time". I am pretty
sure I've seen the deflection speed in cm/s given as a specification
but I am unable to find it at the moment.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
This amounts, if I'm calculating properly, to approximately
4 msec across screen. The screen refresh interval of tek4010 is around
30 msec typically, but can be longer in a heavy usage situation.
I'm not sure what you mean by refresh interval; there is no refresh on
a storage tube.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
tells me that the deflection speed will not be visible, unless you of
course draw a large number of vectors across the whole screen.
That's why I decided not to care about it.
Is this right? Or is my data or my calculation wrong?
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2019-04-09 05:44:48 UTC

This is very technical, but very helpful for me. Thanks for your input. You can also write to me using email (in my github repo github.com/rricharz).
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
The spec I have for the drawing speed in the Tek 4014 manual is 10000 cm
per second.
What's your reference for this?
4014 and 1414-1 user manual page 3-26. It talks there about write-through vectors, but I guess there is one deflection circuit for all deflections (dark, bright and write-trough). But of course the 1414 does not have the same hardware as the 4010, and there are several other models.

Actually, in the 4010 maintenance manual, page 2.7 it states 2.3 msec MAXIMAL.

These two specs coincide. The largest vector (diagonal) on the 4010 is 23.9 cm:

23,9 cm / 10000 cm/s = 0.00234 s = 2.34 msec

The max baud rate of the 4010 is 9600 baud => max 1200 characters/s
The number of characters for a dark mode vectors in minimal 2, maximal 5, for normal mode minimal 1 (joint vectors). This amounts to minimal 1.7 msec for a dark vector, 0.8 msec for a normal vector.

You are therefore right. I should add a short delay for long vectors in my emulator, when running above 2400 baud. That's easy to do and I will add it today.
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
I'm not sure what you mean by refresh interval; there is no refresh on
a storage tube.
Of course you are right.

I'm talking here about my emulator. It runs on a modern Linux system, using modern displays. There are various refreshes going on in this situation. The one I am talking about is from the drawing surface to the screen buffer. Because Linux is a multiprocessor and not a real time system, you never know what you get. Also, people are using my emulator in various setups, including for example with vnc client over wifi. I'm therefore constantly fighting with stroboscope effects of the bright spot (fortunately not the permanent drawing), which can never be totally eliminated. It's clear that one can never expect a perfect simulation, unless one can guarantee a 100 Hz refresh rate. But I feel what I have is already quite ok.
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
It might be hard to add on later, but what you've done so far is a
great step in the right direction.
Easy to add at any time. I'll do it today.
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
IIRC, the writethrough mode results in a beam intensity that is dimmer
than the storage mode.
Indeed. The write gun is set at lower intensity. Therefore no permanence, needs refreshes of 30 times per second to be flicker free (4014 user manual, page 3-26). The normal mode is written once at high intensity (bright spot) with the write gun, and then maintained using flood gun technology. How the intensities of the two compare in reality, I can hopefully see tomorrow when I have a look at a real 4010. I don't trust videos taken from 4010/4014 screens, because of the low dynamic range of the video camera, the likelihood of overexposure, and the stroboscope effects caused by the video rate). I will adjust intensities after this visit. Again, compromises will be required because of the nature of today's inexpensive displays.

legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-09 20:52:41 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Actually, in the 4010 maintenance manual, page 2.7 it states 2.3 msec MAXIMAL.
23,9 cm / 10000 cm/s = 0.00234 s = 2.34 msec
OK, great. I was worried that the 4014 might have faster deflection
circuitry because it has a larger display.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
You are therefore right. I should add a short delay for long vectors in
my emulator, when running above 2400 baud. That's easy to do and I will
add it today.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
I'm not sure what you mean by refresh interval; there is no refresh on
a storage tube.
Of course you are right.
I'm talking here about my emulator. [...]
OK, that was what I was guessing when I read your text, but I wanted
to make sure we were on the same page.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
Post by legalize+ (Richard)
It might be hard to add on later, but what you've done so far is a
great step in the right direction.
Easy to add at any time. I'll do it today.
Sweet! I really appreciate your efforts here. As I said before, I
had the same idea for a project but didn't have the time and I was
considering hiring a summer intern to write the code!
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I can hopefully see tomorrow when I have a look at a real 4010.
I seem to recall that the intensity is about half as bright as the
regular stored vectors, but to be honest we didn't have many programs
that used dynamic vectors and it was ~40 years ago, LOL.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
[...] I will adjust intensities
after this visit. Again, compromises will be required because of the
nature of today's inexpensive displays.
Yes, understood. What you've done so far is really great, though!
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legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-08 20:29:03 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I'm aware of the defection speed. But the answer is unfortunately no.
The current version does not simulate the deflection speed. Maybe I will
add it in a future version.
It might be hard to add on later, but what you've done so far is a
great step in the right direction.
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
2. Demonstration of an animation using the write-through mode of
tek4010: http://youtu.be/7FMewaoEOmk
IIRC, the writethrough mode results in a beam intensity that is dimmer
than the storage mode.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
2019-04-19 16:46:24 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
I am currently writing a terminal emulator for the Tektronix 4010/4014 storage tube terminals. I know that xterm -t does this job quite well, but it makes no attempt to give the look and feel of the original hardware, and does not support GIN and write-through modes.
Details are at https://github.com/rricharz/Tek4010
For this project I am looking for PDP-11 graphics programs, which produce Tektronix graphics output, or captured code files from such programs. Any help is will be very appreciated very much.
My preferred OS for this work is 2.11 BSD, but programs for other historical OS systems would also be very interesting.
Back in the day, when I was working on my thesis dealing with computer graphics, a setup I started with was a Tek 613 storage display that was coupled to me PDP11. DEC had a 4 channel D/A card (AA11-K) that I programmed to drive the 613. I developed a set of graphic primitives, display list driver, etc., essentially a robust graphics package for storage displays. In addition to the vector graphics primitives and object transformations, I created a set of vector-based ascii characters that could be transformed (scaled, rotated etc.) just like any other object. I ended up inheriting the 613 (still in my basement). I can't quite figure out where I stored a hardcopy of my code. Ahhh, the fun days....
The AA11-K manual is on bitsavers, and in it is a section describing interfacing and basics of controlling the 613 (including 603, 604, 611).
I mention this as it may be an interesting offshoot of your emulator.
2019-04-19 17:43:50 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Back in the day, when I was working on my thesis dealing with computer graphics, a setup I started with was a Tek 613 storage display that was coupled to me PDP11. DEC had a 4 channel D/A card (AA11-K) that I programmed to drive the 613. I developed a set of graphic primitives, display list driver, etc., essentially a robust graphics package for storage displays. In addition to the vector graphics primitives and object transformations, I created a set of vector-based ascii characters that could be transformed (scaled, rotated etc.) just like any other object. I ended up inheriting the 613 (still in my basement). I can't quite figure out where I stored a hardcopy of my code. Ahhh, the fun days....
The AA11-K manual is on bitsavers, and in it is a section describing interfacing and basics of controlling the 613 (including 603, 604, 611).
Very interesting. I think that it must have been substantially faster for short vectors as compared to a Tektronix 4010 at 9600 baud. What Operating system and language did you use? This was really an fascinating time for early computer graphics.
legalize+ (Richard)
2019-04-22 23:34:37 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by j***@gmail.com
Back in the day, when I was working on my thesis dealing with computer
graphics, a setup I started with was a Tek 613 storage display that was
coupled to me PDP11. DEC had a 4 channel D/A card (AA11-K) that I
programmed to drive the 613. I developed a set of graphic primitives,
display list driver, etc., essentially a robust graphics package for
storage displays. In addition to the vector graphics primitives and
object transformations, I created a set of vector-based ascii characters
that could be transformed (scaled, rotated etc.) just like any other
object. I ended up inheriting the 613 (still in my basement). I can't
quite figure out where I stored a hardcopy of my code. Ahhh, the fun
If you turn up a copy of your code, that would be awesome.
Post by j***@gmail.com
The AA11-K manual is on bitsavers, and in it is a section describing
interfacing and basics of controlling the 613 (including 603, 604, 611).
I mention this as it may be an interesting offshoot of your emulator.
The manual is here: <http://manx-docs.org/details.php/1,4065>
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
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Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>
2019-05-01 06:49:49 UTC
The development of the tek4010 terminal emulator is now finished (see link in the original post). I made extensive tests using the PiDP-11 and simh, but unfortunately I do not own a real PDP-11 :-(

It would therefore be very interesting to hear if somebody is able to use it together with a real PDP-11. One problem might be that tek4010 uses programs like telnet or rsh to talk to the PDP-11 using the corresponding protocols. If the laptop running tek4010 is hooked up to the PDP-11 using for example RS-232, one might need a little helper program which just passes raw bytes from and to the RS232 port without any filtering.
2019-05-14 04:09:50 UTC
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
The development of the tek4010 terminal emulator is now finished (see link in the original post). I made extensive tests using the PiDP-11 and simh, but unfortunately I do not own a real PDP-11 :-(
It would therefore be very interesting to hear if somebody is able to use it together with a real PDP-11. One problem might be that tek4010 uses programs like telnet or rsh to talk to the PDP-11 using the corresponding protocols. If the laptop running tek4010 is hooked up to the PDP-11 using for example RS-232, one might need a little helper program which just passes raw bytes from and to the RS232 port without any filtering.
I wanted to let you know that I've been able to telnet with your TEK4010 to both my real PDP-11/93 and also a real VAXstation 4000/90a and run APL in both successfully using the 4013 setting of APL with your latest Tek4010 emulator.

2019-05-15 08:07:10 UTC
Many thanks for your efforts. Nice to see that tek4010 works on real systems.
2019-08-21 07:38:42 UTC
The tek4010 emulator can now handle serial connections.

I have uploaded a video made by Dave Ault on his PDP-11/73 with his permission using tek4010. He used MX-Linux for tek4010 and a FTDI USB to RS232 converter. The PDP-11 was running RT11.

legalize+ (Richard)
2019-08-22 22:56:14 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by r***@bluewin.ch
The tek4010 emulator can now handle serial connections.
Looking sweet!
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